Teacher and Principal Evaluation Program (TPEP)
Programs ensure teacher and administrator candidates demonstrate knowledge of:
- teacher evaluation research
- Washington’s evaluation requirements
- evaluation criteria
- four-tiered performance rating system
- student growth goals
- preferred instructional frameworks used to describe the evaluation criteria
- self-assessment, goal setting, and reflective practice
Programs must also ensure administrator candidates demonstrate knowledge of:
- classroom observations
- the use of student growth data and multiple measures of performance
- evaluation conferencing
- development of classroom teacher and principal support plans resulting from an evaluation
- use of an online tool to manage the collection of observation notes, teacher and principal-submitted materials, and other information related to the conduct of the evaluation
- successfully complete opportunities to practice teacher evaluation skills, limit bias, and promote rater agreement
Additionally, programs need to ensure administrator candidates successfully complete opportunities to practice classroom observation skills that limit bias and promote rater agreement on the four-tiered system.
- OSPI TPEP resources for preparation programs
- WAC 181-78A-233
- RCW 28A.410.278