In general, a solid waste management facility may include the following:
Statutory & Regulatory Authorities: Nevada Revised Statutes 444.440 through 444.620 provides the legislative authority to develop and implement a regulatory program for the management of solid waste in Nevada. The State Environmental Commission has the authority to adopt regulations under these statutes. Nevada Administrative Code 444.570 through 444.7499 defines regulatory standards for solid waste management. In Nevada, solid waste regulations are enforced and implemented by the respective solid waste management authority listed below.
State of Nevada
Compliance and Enforcement Branch
Bureau of Sustainable Materials Management
Nevada Division of Environmental Protection
901 S. Stewart Street
Carson City, NV 89701
(775) 687-9461
Clark County
Environmental Health Division
Southern Nevada Health District
P.O. Box 4426
625 Shadow Lane
Las Vegas, NV 89127
(702) 759-0600
Washoe County
Environmental Health Division
Washoe County Health District
P.O. Box 11130
1001 East 9th Street
Reno, NV 89520
(702) 328-2434
A Permit must be obtained from the solid waste management authority for any Solid Waste Disposal, Incinerator, Process, Waste Tire or Compost facility. An approval to operate must also be obtained from the solid waste management authority for any transfer station, Material Recovery or salvage yard facilities. Some permits and approvals have fees associated with them. These fees are described in this Solid Waste Fee Summary. Here is the link to NDEP's ePayment login page.
Regulatory Jurisdiction: There are three Solid Waste Management Authorities in Nevada that administer solid waste management regulations including permitting and enforcement. The Nevada Division of Environmental Protection (NDEP) administers all permitting activities outside of Clark and Washoe Counties; NDEP also has the responsibility to review the Washoe and Clark County solid waste programs.
Procedures for Obtaining Permits — Prospective permittees must submit a complete application form with supporting information and documents (as required) to the respective solid waste management authority. Applications for solid waste facilities should be submitted at least 180 days prior to construction. A completeness review is conducted within 45 days of submittal and if the application is deemed complete; a technical review is performed to evaluate the merits of the application. The review process is conducted within the context of the applicable regulations.
In general, the significant event associated with the permitting process are as follows:
Document Submission — Complete plans and specifications must be submitted to the solid waste management authority for approval for all applicable solid waste facilities. Permit applications for municipal and industrial solid waste disposal facilities must include information specific to the type of facility. For additional information about "Landfill Class" types see the legal definitions contained in the Nevada Administrative Code:[Class I], [Class ll] and [Class lll]
Application Forms — NDEP applications/forms are available for download in Adobe pdf format from this website under Forms/Guidance.