Handgun Carry Permits

In October of 1996, the Department of Safety began issuing handgun carry permits pursuant to Public Chapter 905. T.C.A. §39-17-1351 Prior to this change, handgun carry permits were issued by local sheriff's offices.

The citizens of the state of Tennessee have the right to keep and bear arms for their common defense; but the General Assembly has the power, by law, to regulate the wearing of arms with a view to prevent crime.

TCA §39-17-1351(r)(1) makes a facially valid handgun permit, firearms permit, weapons permit or license issued by another state valid in this state according to its terms and shall be treated as if it is a handgun permit issued by Tennessee. This does not authorize any firearm or weapon other than a handgun.

If a person with a handgun permit from another state decides to become a resident of Tennessee, the person must obtain a Tennessee handgun permit within six (6) months of establishing residency in Tennessee.

NOTE: Applicant should consult Title 39, Chapter 17, Part 13 of the T.C.A. Codes for information on locations where handguns are prohibited, or check the list of Reciprocity States.

Even though a person has a permit and is authorized to possess or carry a firearm pursuant to T.C.A. § 39-17-1315, 39-17-1351, or 39-17-1366, there are restrictions as to where firearms may be carried. Additional information pertaining to possession of and carrying a firearm are listed by Tennessee Annotated Code and subject matter. More information can be obtained online from the Tennessee Code Annotated.

Handgun Permit Unit
P.O. Box 23710
Nashville, TN 37202
(615) 251-8590